View Full Version : General discussion

  1. 2. [HowTo] Record Demos - Demos aufnehmen [Deu | Eng]
  2. Increased interest in Saigns
  3. How to be a admin?
  4. Seit ca. 3-4 Monaten immer wieder starke Laggs die 2-4 Sec anhalten.....
  5. Rank reset
  6. Starke Verbindungs Probleme zu Saigns
  7. le epic admin
  8. Wie werd ich Admin
  9. Beschwerde:Plötzliches Verschieben von T zu CT .... --- CS:S---
  10. Bewerbung als Admin/ sollte Bew. hier falsch sein bitte ins richtige the.
  11. fix servers.
  12. [Important] Forum Regeln | Forum Rules [Deu|Eng]
  13. im dieing
  14. please you guys can unlock me I'm gagged
  15. Premium and Marketing
  16. Since today high ping? :<
  17. How to be admin to sgn?
  18. Bearbeitung des Ping Limits
  19. New layout.
  20. Questions
  21. new idea for the css dm server?!?????
  22. for the people who are interested.
  23. flashbangs+smokes added to DMserver?
  25. How you become an admin on TeamFortess 2
  26. problem with the convertion to admin
  27. Banned for insult ?
  28. gagged for what?
  29. Can i become Admin in counter strike source?
  30. Premium chatcolor feature.
  32. An tf: Beschwerde über Sirfluff / Wirft Leute einfach aus dem Chat
  33. Komme nicht in den Chat Raum
  34. Beschwerde über Benq
  35. Security Breach? - Password Change?
  36. premium account issue
  37. Windows 10 eure Meinung ist gefragt.
  38. Gagged
  39. Permanent Gag?
  40. Banned ID
  41. Tf bitte Lesen!!!!!!
  42. Can't find Assault
  43. TF2, got banned for nothing....
  44. Still can't find Assault ( restart the rootserver? )
  45. PLEASE bring polls back
  46. Killing Floor 2 Server
  47. "Dauerlag" und High Pingers
  48. Disconnect Server
  49. i'm gagged
  50. Admin werden
  51. Ban
  52. What do you do if you are flamed all the time by the same player?
  53. Bunny Hopping
  54. Help, im gagged...
  55. complaint
  56. Got kicked from Saigns Steam group
  57. Darf man Waffen Skins benutzen?
  58. Beleidigungen
  59. Serverliste
  60. Thank you
  61. no chat ?
  62. Admin
  63. Serververmietung
  64. problem
  65. Easy anti Cheat / kein joinen mehr nach Css
  66. oo schneider cheat verdacht !!!!!!!! alle lesen !!!!!!!!!!!!
  67. Question about shutdown
  68. Ghost Mod
  69. Steam ID?
  70. sugestions
  71. Dust and Aztec CS1.6
  72. Ban.
  73. Azze... gehts noch?!
  74. ...
  75. Muted
  76. Gaged situation...
  77. How to be admin
  78. Unnötige Diskussion/Bans
  79. Frage: Schriftgröße in CSS verändern
  80. Wer mit Radar argumentiert, sollte mal in Mathematik über die Bücher
  81. The Action mod and low gravity on custom Team Fortress 2 servers
  82. Wollte einen hacker melden !!
  83. hi i'm blashi slashi and it's official:
  84. Premium Check
  85. Gameservers appear to be down this evening.
  86. Player reports
  87. Red Win Impossible?
  88. Kann mich jemand helfen?
  89. Cheating as a ADMIN in sever!!!
  90. Beleidigungen übelster Art auf Dust von Spieler Packo
  91. Slayed for killing Admin
  92. Im Rauch sehen
  93. Support
  94. Nvidia bug legal on Saigns?
  95. Menü : Bots
  96. How to delete a Forum Account?
  97. steam id
  98. Friendly fire and solid figures
  99. Bot used for Half life 2 death match servers
  100. [ungagged]Still gagged after a year on Saigns server.
  101. I've been gagged
  102. Ihr seid alle (toll) echt!
  103. Meine Postings verschwinden immer
  104. [Important] Server Regeln | Server Rules [Deu|Eng]
  105. Can someone please tell me how to stop a player from harrasing me?
  106. sCorp63 (Donator) is rude to other players
  107. Frage über ein Premium Feature?
  108. Netikette
  109. Bedeutung von Nahrung und seiner Darstellung in der Bibel
  110. You get kill assist by...
  111. Problem mit einem Spieler (Nameflaming)
  112. Wo ist denn der Threat geblieben mit dem Namen "Die Wahrheit ist hässlich"?
  113. Sort it out: Admin spamming nades
  114. Activities against Premium Players
  115. H2 premium test
  116. [Problem] to enter Chat via Iphone.
  117. Saigns.de is a best server
  118. Why am I banned?
  119. Forum changed .................
  120. I cant connect to your servers
  121. Immer Wieder --- an TF und Andere--
  122. Demande info commande prenium
  123. ACHTUNG !! Phishing-Versuche auf Steam
  124. css server and mods that dont know what genetic dissent means
  125. This server is ruined
  126. Abschied
  127. Flashbang Auto Select +++
  128. An Enrico
  129. Moslemfeindlich
  130. Assault Server Admin Criteria
  131. No answer from support
  132. Im Chat Funktionen
  133. Flash
  134. Premium non active
  135. Helpe accaunt premium
  136. Premium not active
  137. Reporting criminal content
  138. Islamophobic molester reporting
  139. Rank
  140. Cs 1.6
  141. Cannot use server chat
  142. Is it possible to send "Forum Members" a personal message?
  143. Getting disconnected
  144. ein premium monat/jahr verschenken
  145. NVIDIA RTX 3090 vs AMD Radeon™ RX 6900xt Graphics Cards
  146. Call for a sense of responsibility
  147. Frohes Neues Jahr
  148. Server Kick CS:S [@JayKikz]
  149. Cannot find Saigns servers?
  150. How I was able to sign in to forums after the recent update
  151. Admin abuse by Fidget
  152. Is there a 'FF On' server in the 150 servers Saigns claims to have?
  153. Just a hello to all
  154. Still no activation mail !
  155. How to create polls ?
  156. Overwatch
  157. Issues with Website and Discord
  158. Eine Kritik mit Hilferuf
  159. Issues with extending expiry date
  160. Hours in Chat !
  161. Request for delete account or how to
  162. Rechtsextremismus auf den Servern tolerierbar?
  163. i'm new (misterxnl071)
  164. Androhung zum Kick (sollte mich auch angesprochen fühlen) no playing the Game right
  165. tourny
  166. Hi and thank you SAIGNS
  167. Fidget unmute me please :(
  168. About the game hosting
  169. Fidget - admin? is this real to say somethink like this?
  170. Steam auth ticket has been canceled OR Time outs
  171. Abuz Rattlesnake
  172. Can.t touch this
  173. 2 Posts in CS 1.6 gelöscht
  174. [solved] Activation required
  175. I know it sounds off topic but can some staff check the official discord?
  176. Premium HL2:DM
  177. Counterstrike 2 Umfrage für neue Server auf Saigns
  178. hallo alle admins
  179. Overwatch Map.
  180. Servers Crashing
  181. Official discord is filled with scam bots advertising their YouTube channel
  182. Bitte um Löschung meines Saigns Accounts
  183. kein Kontakt mehr
  184. Any thoughts about CS2?
  185. Von Rattlesnake, am 25.11.2020, 23:53
  186. Hours spent on chat
  187. Admins: evidence of STARIK trolling and griefing
  188. Counter-Strike 2: A year later, what are your thoughts?
  189. To Fidget
  190. Non riesco ad abbonarmi 'premium'!!!! I can't subscribe to 'premium'!!!!
  191. [resolved] Is an update required?
  192. [resolved] Servers