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09.04.2016, 15:21 #1
Got Gag For No Reason / Wrong Usage of Admin Commands
Thanks for giving your time to read this post.
As usual, I was in Orange Minceraft server. I was playing with premium abilities such as buster and giant.
Then a player called Prankster Ganster Nation started to swear at me like "You b#tch! Stop use Buster you b#tch!" (yes his grammar is indeed terrible.)
Then I said "No, I paid for them and I can use them however I want." then he wanted to duel me with "melee" then I attacked him with melee and won. Then he called admins. Against that I called admins using "admin Language (language= using it for bad purpose)"
Le Noir (aka Admin...) came and said so many nonsense things against me. Such as;
Secundus (VoidAlly) : score?
Le Noir (admin) : he comes back as giant ,, or buster o other
Secundus (VoidAlly) : Who cares? :D
Bonus Points: 9314 (+2) for Killing 10 enemies
Secundus (VoidAlly) : I paid for it Noir.
Secundus (VoidAlly) : I can play however I want
Secundus (VoidAlly) : As a buster giant or HHH
Le Noir (admin) : he dont know what it is to play good an fair
Secundus, 2 kills in a row, DoubleKill
Le Noir (admin) : es yes you cn play whatever
Le Noir (admin) : es yes
Noir kept standing against me. At the end I said "He keeps calling me as a b#tch and I am trying to stay calm against a kid. Who is the guilty now?"
Then he gagged me.
After a while, he said those:
Le Noir (admin) : so i go to diner
Le Noir (admin) : if he makes more trouble ,, call me
Secundus, 2 kills in a row, DoubleKill
Le Noir (admin) : or another admin
Then he called me a "honk"
Now isn't this both funny and intriguing? The one who calls me as a b#tch plays free and I get a gag.
I demand my gag to be removed and Le Noir to be questioned about how he can be a proper moderator/admin. If needed, take him from Admin status if he can't handle this.
09.04.2016, 16:59 #2
Kein Kommentar dazu ..... (ausser ,Honk , ist doch eine nette bezeichnung für den Honk ,,, )
und, für mich sind diese chat dieser beiden (Secundus, und Alexander) einfach nur noch Trash .
Ende,,,Depp vom Dienst
09.04.2016, 22:06 #3
Hello Secundus,
first i want to say sory for the unpleasantness.
As much as i can see, there is no gag in our system, so it was only a temporary one. Next time you join on the server you are able to write again.
Wenn das, was die beiden schreiben für dich nur Trash ist, warum kümmert es dich dann? "Trashtalk" ist nichts verbotenes, ob es dich nun stört oder nicht.
Nachdem ich mir die logs angesehen habe, liegt der Fehler hier klar auf deiner Seite.
Derjenige, der andere Spieler beleidigt hat, blieb nicht nur unbehelligt sondern wurde von dir eher noch bevorzugt behandelt.
Von seiten Secundus war alles korrekt. Sein Spielverhalten, sprich ob er alle Möglichkeiten des Premiums ausnutzt oder nicht, ob er damit im Vorteil gegenüber anderen Spielern ist oder nicht, ob es Fair ist oder nicht hat dich nicht zu kümmern solange alles mit rechten Dingen zugeht.
Das ganze dann nochmal für alle zum nachlesen: edited by ch3misTrY; 09.04.2016 at 22:15.
10.04.2016, 00:01 #4
I translated your text that you wrote for Azze. Thanks for understanding me. I hope something like this doesn't happen again. Thanks again.
12.04.2016, 20:51 #5
Greetings once again. Without keeping you busy I want to directly make an entrance to the problem I got recently.
Including all of those wrong usages, I passed them all. But we premiums got the ability to use our special features such as giant, buster. But somehow it is being rejected by NOT other players (I agree with them, sometimes it can be boring and I refuse to use those abilities) but also by moderators/admins itself. While I find this quite intriguing I am also in search for answers of "Why am I always getting insulted by staff members especially the ones who play in Orange MC a lot?"
You probably might not believe me or do believe me but need more info, you can use this:
As you can see here, every single day of my premium membership, a similar chat to this happens.
Now may I ask one thing? Even with my access to all of them and the rights to use all of those abilities, why am I always in a situation of being punished somehow? I am just in search of fun in and Orange gives it already as a fruit of a tree but somehow that tree's roots are being cut.
Please, I am waiting for your solutions for this.