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  1. #1
    Neuer Benutzer
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    Gagged (for many years)

    Hello community of Saigns.de,

    I've been meaning to post this for a while, and by a while I mean a long while, as I play on your TF2 servers rather frequently. However, since god-knows-when, I've been gagged on all of your TF2 servers. I can't remember why or who did it because it's been so long, but I think I've simply been forgotten about.

    Here is some stuff about my Steam account so an administrator could possibly revoke this or at least give reason:
    My SteamID is STEAM_0:1:41233726, my Steam name is A Magical Panda, and I'm pretty sure when I was gagged it must have been something like "ChappersTeddy", as that was my old Steam alias.

    If anyone could lend a hand it would be greatly appreciated.

    PS: Sorry for posting in the wrong section, I think this goes in Bans/TF2. Woops
    Last edited by Chappers; 15.04.2016 at 19:23.

  2. #2
    Neuer Benutzer
    Join Date
    I did a quick look-around of the forums and discovered another player had been gagged, and the reason was stored in the bans section of the website. I've looked there and can't find any information about my own gagging?

  3. #3
    Super-Moderator Antaris's Avatar
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    Your gag https://www.saigns.de/bans/info/16444

    the gag is permanent, no ungag.

  4. #4
    Neuer Benutzer
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    Any logs at all? I can't remember "flaming" on your server

  5. #5
    Neuer Benutzer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chappers View Post
    Any logs at all? I can't remember "flaming" on your server
    Oh, I've seen it. "Italy only?" Isn't that CS? Why are gags worldwide rather than on 1 server? I don't think I've ever flamed on any other of your gameservers.

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