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  1. #1
    Neuer Benutzer
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    Flashbang Auto Select +++

    Hello Everyone!

    I have tried to search the answer to this but have been unsuccessfull. Something has happened recently when I play that I randomly select the flash grenade, usually when i am half way through a clip, which is really frustrating, and i die, a lot. It is a really unusual thing and in 15 years of playing I have never experienced it before.
    I have tried deselecting the auto pickup thing in the settings, it makes no difference.

    Your help is really appreciated.

    your loving DaD......
    Last edited by DaD; 01.10.2019 at 11:03. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Super-Moderator Roi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Hello DaD

    that means you do not want to have a flash grenade but you always have them automatically when the round starts?

    Maybe you have to get rid of those weapons-packets where the flash grenade is located and make an new weapon packet without the flash grenade...

    Allen ist das Denken erlaubt! - Vielen bleibt es erspart.

  3. #3
    Neuer Benutzer
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    No, what I am saying is that as I am firing my gun, the game automatically select a flash, it's weird I know, half way through a clip. It usually ends in death...

    I am a premium gamer so i get 2 at the start, but i do not select them, it's automatic.

  4. #4
    Super-Moderator Roi's Avatar
    Join Date
    okay i understand ..

    does this problem only arise if you have previously dropped a flash grenade?

    So you have a flash grenade dropped and used again your weapon and after a few seconds, the flash grenade automatically comes back?

    have the same problem with the knife. when I have dropped a grenade and use the knife then comes back after a few sec the grenade^^

    Allen ist das Denken erlaubt! - Vielen bleibt es erspart.

  5. #5
    Erfahrener Benutzer
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    I have never experienced what u are saying. So canĀ“t help u with that issue. Maybe someone else have experienced that.
    Peace and have fun!

  6. #6
    Neuer Benutzer
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    Hi Roi

    No, it can happen at any time. I know its weird and it is almost definately something I have done, although i have checked all the settings. I just wondered if anyone else had the same problem.

  7. #7
    Super-Moderator Creeper's Avatar
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    I have this problem Daddy, so

    If i play as a chicken i pick up weapons from the ground for like not even 1 second and it dissapears again, that is a bug i know. This Bug comes when i often switch servers from Italy to Office and so on.

    I guess if u switch servers aswell sometimes this bug comes now with the problem that you say you have.

    But im only guessing this, i did not experience your problem with the Flash Grenade.

    Try playing and let us know if this happens very often, we will have to contact the Owner

  8. #8
    Neuer Benutzer
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    Thanks Creeper, I'll try changing servers. After testing it today it only happens mid spray, almost like long hold on fire button = flash.

  9. #9
    Super-Moderator Creeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaD View Post
    Thanks Creeper, I'll try changing servers. After testing it today it only happens mid spray, almost like long hold on fire button = flash.
    Perhaps youre mouse has an issue, had a mouse too that double klicked everything even if i just clicked once, or youre keyboard switches something to early

  10. #10
    Neuer Benutzer
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    I know that some of you have been losing sleep over my flash issue so i thought i would give you an update:

    It's still broke :-)

    I have deselected the auto flash x 2 from the premium menu and now i can play without the issue, but also without the flash.

    so basically its odd, i even reinstalled the game and settings.

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