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  1. #11
    Super-Moderator Creeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaD View Post
    I know that some of you have been losing sleep over my flash issue so i thought i would give you an update:

    It's still broke :-)

    I have deselected the auto flash x 2 from the premium menu and now i can play without the issue, but also without the flash.

    so basically its odd, i even reinstalled the game and settings.
    Well its strange yes, cause no one has this bug

  2. #12
    Erfahrener Benutzer ZenTiac's Avatar
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    Melbourne Australia
    I suggest checking all your keys and see if one got bind to the left mouse by mistake maybe? This is a strange issue can't say I have ever seen this.

  3. #13
    Maybe it's due to your key assignment? Or are you using a macro? Otherwise I have also no idea

  4. #14
    Super-Moderator Roi's Avatar
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    DaD what do you think, if you make a demo of it?

    so we can understand that better, maybe

    Allen ist das Denken erlaubt! - Vielen bleibt es erspart.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Roi View Post
    DaD what do you think, if you make a demo of it?

    so we can understand that better, maybe
    Den Vorschlag finde ich echt super. Ich würde das auch zu gerne mal sehen wann und wie dieser Bug auftritt. Vielleicht findet man dann sogar einen Weg, wie man dieses Problem lösen kann

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