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  1. #1
    Join Date

    Player "Starik" (cs_militia) reconnect griefing + base camping as ct

    this player camps at ct spawn many many times as ct. He also sometimes "reconnect griefs" - meaning he waits at ct spawn (as ct) until someone approaches, then leaves and rejoins the server. He also got (temporarily) banned once already by Rattlesnake, as can be seen with the screenshot - seemingly for base camping all the time. Rattlesnake also told me I may as well just call an admin every time it happens - which I did, but at those few occasions no one came after admin call, for whatever reason.

    I also have a demo of his reconnect griefing as well, fresh from today about ~45mins ago. Since it is my first ever demo, I hope it still works out fine and meets the requirements to count as such. Please see attached.

    He also continously joins after me and my friend Turd Ferguson as soon as we win 1 or 2 matches - basically disturbing the ingame balance. Happened today too - and not only today to be honest.
    I once complained about this and the only reply I got from an admin was "if you dont like it - look for other server" -> Wtf? So (purposely) fucking up the balance is tolerated? He does it so many times and in order to "bypass" the teamswitch-limit for non-premiums, he rejoins multiple times and the cycle continues. Sometimes he gets autoswitched back, sometimes not. And if he does get autoswitched, he manually joins the other team.

    I also have screenshot/-s from back then november 2023 where he continously reconnect rejoins all time, (potentially) griefing as well. If I were to check last few days I would find even more pictures like that where he does it multiple times. Coincidence? I dont think so.

    Can you please check on this guy?

    Thank you very much!

    Best regards,

  2. #2
    Super-Moderator Fidget's Avatar
    Join Date
    Ok, considering the rules...

    1.5 Camping (general)
    Camping is allowed, as long as the game of the other players does not have to suffer dramatically.

    1.9 Team change
    Everybody is free to join the team he wants and also to change his team at any time.
    Non premium players get automatically switched by the server to keep the teams balanced. (Equal amount of players on both sides)

    There is no reference to anything like "reconnect griefs", quite where you got that expression from I don't know.

    So, he has broken no rules. From your perspective he has been a bit of a nuisance to you and your friends on Militia, and poor gamesmanship (neither of which are referenced in the server rules). The fact that I gave him a 30 minute break from the server today is all that will happen on this issue.

    We may of course assess each claim at the time, but I also advise you....

    1.1 Behaviour on the servers
    A friendly and respectful interaction with each other is expected at any time.

    1.12 Flaming/Insulting/Harassing
    Continuous insults, harassments and false accusations in any form are not tolerated.
    This also includes provocations which intend to get a negative reaction from the opposite side.
    It's not like real life, you get to respawn and try again!



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Hello Fidget,
    thanks your fast reply.

    By "reconnect griefing" I mean that - if he plays as CT - he waits at ct spawn (this is mostly the case if he´s last man standing or his team is close to that) in a corner and as soon as someone gets close to the spawn, he leaves the server and joins back immediately. I can only speculate that his "goal" with this is to annoy enemies + not getting killed by someone. Surely, this is not mentioned specifically somewhere - but doesn´t that classify as some form of "griefing"?

    Now I can of course continue to make more demos in the future where this "reconnect griefing" (I dont know what other term could be used for that sort of bs he´s doing) can be seen more clearly.

    Regarding Rule 1.5 (camping):
    Yes, totally. HOWEVER, it is a cs_ map - meaning that one team (CT) has to rescue the hostages or atleast try to do so. It sounds quite contradicting to base camp all time when the goal is something completely different? How is that of any benefit for his team? Especially when he is the last man standing and he chooses to base camp for a minute or even longer? It´s not like I´m imagining this, since Rattlesnake has banned him temporarily once already for this. :)

    Regarding 1.1 Behaviour on the servers & 1.12 Flaming/Insulting/Harassing
    Alright. I will take this into account more in the future, especially when it comes to this guy. I´ll try to not bother with him by writing anything to him in the chat - I´ll just record and when I get more evidence about his (most likely) form of griefing, I will get back in here.


  4. #4
    Super-Moderator Fidget's Avatar
    Join Date
    There are no entries for this player in the ban system.

    The overall message here is to make an admin call if you think he is breaking a server rule, we will then assess at the time.
    It's not like real life, you get to respawn and try again!



  5. #5
    Join Date
    today he brought it to a whole new level with his crap. He´s been doing that shit for months now, but it´s getting way out of hand at this point. Now he reconnects 4 - 5 times within THE SAME round, just to force me switching all the time and deny me from playing at all.

    After some time Rattlesnake joined on the server, as I have continously called out his bullshit as can be seen in today´s logs of militia.
    I told Rattlesnake what was going on, but I'm always brushed off with the same memorized replies. "It's allowed, he's not breaking any server rules." blah blah blah.

    Also telling me I should read the rules - but in reality he should read them because there´s also this part in the rules:
    1.7 Griefing (general)
    Griefing is prohibited.
    More details can be found in the game-specific rules.

    1.8 Stalking
    Stalking in any form, as well as the deliberate "hunting" of certain players on the servers, is not tolerated.
    This also includes the permanent and targeted playing of one specific person at a time.

    Especially with 1.8, I see Starik acting intentionally. It doesn't just happen once, but several times - sometimes even several times during the same round. As soon as you switch to the other team so as not to be in the team with him, he either joins immediately or reconnects and then joins (presumably because of a team switch limit for non-premium players?). This isn´t just a reconnect for the sake of a reconnect - it is clearly with a purpose to deny me from playing normally and forcing me to switch teams multiple times withing a single round. Just look at the time frequency he does it.


    Also, I got gagged 3 times by rattlesnake today for complaining about Starik´s griefing. Please see attached screenshots.
    (starik_09-05-part1.jpg starik_09-05-part2.png

    For this:
    [15:10:55] Militia Only ( Rattlesnake , 0:13307905 ) so shut your mouth now and play!
    [15:11:01] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) so fucking up balance on purpose and joining after a certain person isnt griefing?
    [15:11:15] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) in that case, you have to mute me... because i wont shut up on that madness
    [15:11:22] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) so wont others

    [16:48:45] Militia Only ( Rattlesnake , 0:13307905 ) against spqr leave starik alone
    [16:48:50] Militia Only ( Rattlesnake , 0:13307905 ) this is your last warning!
    [16:48:58] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) sure thing, but can he leave me alone too please?
    [16:49:20] Militia Only Spieler Darragh ( 1:6464862 ) hat den Server betreten
    [16:49:25] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) its not fun being forced to switch teams 4 or 5 times in one round
    [16:49:35] Militia Only ( Rattlesnake , 0:13307905 ) its not against the rules
    [16:49:49] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) then there´s something major wrong
    [16:50:02] Militia Only Spieler discus066 ( 1:80744279 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [16:50:04] Militia Only Spieler discus066 ( 1:80744279 ) hat den Server betreten
    [16:51:12] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) believe me, i just want to play a few rounds... and starik forces me to switch multiple times in one round
    [16:51:16] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) how am i supposed to play that way?
    [16:51:28] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) i dont want to support his ongoing wtj

    And lastly for this:
    [16:56:02] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [16:56:05] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [16:58:29] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [16:58:32] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [16:58:39] Militia Only Spieler Darragh ( 1:6464862 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:01:08] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:01:11] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:01:20] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:01:23] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:01:36] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:01:38] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:02:09] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:02:12] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:02:27] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:02:30] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:02:39] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:02:42] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:02:46] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) bro.... pls stop it
    [17:02:48] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) honestly
    [17:03:43] Militia Only Spieler Jero The Destroyer ( 1:18952164 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:04:03] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:04:06] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:04:07] Militia Only Spieler =DIMEDROL= ( 1:34093974 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:04:16] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) resetscore
    [17:04:17] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:04:20] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:04:21] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) god...
    [17:04:35] Militia Only Spieler =DIMEDROL= ( 1:34093974 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:04:38] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:04:41] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:05:08] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:05:11] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:05:23] Militia Only ( Сукин сын , 0:31950716 ) 5 times now... wtf man. pls stop it starik
    [17:05:37] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:05:40] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:07:02] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:07:05] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:07:17] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)
    [17:07:20] Militia Only Spieler STARIK ( 1:69150448 ) hat den Server betreten
    [17:08:07] Militia Only Spieler Rattlesnake ( 0:13307905 ) hat den Server verlassen (Disconnect by user.)

    What Starik does is targeted and intentional. It's all about fucking off. And all this while Rattlesnake was on the server watching everything. This is ridiculous beyond belief.
    Other players have experienced this as well. Helene, Turd Ferguson, Denmark, ... These aren´t short-time players who have been playing for 1 or 2 days. They´ve been here for years.

    Sure, mute me for calling his crap out and insulting him for it. To some degree, understandable.
    But muting me wont solve this. It happens every time I happen to run into him - regardless of calling it out or not. All it takes are 1 or 2 kills and the shitshow starts.
    Last edited by PrEzZ; 09.05.2024 at 19:17.

  6. #6
    Erfahrener Benutzer Rattlesnake's Avatar
    Join Date
    As Fidget explained to you above, it is not a violation of the server rules. I have asked you several times to leave him alone.

    Either you go down from the server and play on one of our other servers or you have to come back later when he is gone.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Let me guess, If I start to discuss with you here in forums you will gag me again? But seriously, why can´t you see that? He is obviously doing it to deny me from playing. Call it "gray area" or not - but your perspective of "applying the rules" does not work (in this case). You were present during most of the time as soon as you joined - and yet you still don´t see it for whatever reason.

    You haven´t even considered the chat logs I posted as evidence above as well, have you?

    You tell me to leave him alone - yet even if I dont say anything he doesn´t leave me alone and continously joins after me, multiple times in one round. If you can´t see that this has an obvious intent from his side then I dont know what to say to you.

    Instead of brushing me off it would be appropriate to reconsider your perspective on compliance with the rules. Because that's not what Starik is doing here.
    Last edited by PrEzZ; 09.05.2024 at 19:35.

  8. #8
    Super-Moderator Fidget's Avatar
    Join Date
    Again, no rules broken, all he is doing is annoying you. And that in itself is not against any rules, it is clear that you are reacting to his actions rather badly. He is not forcing you to change or stop playing, that is your chosen reaction. We cannot sanction someone just because they annoy you in such a fashion.

    Our best suggestion to you is to ignore him, why let his game-play affect your game-play?

    Rise above it and play on
    It's not like real life, you get to respawn and try again!



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Hello everyone.
    The topic of Starik has been going on for quite some time now. At the same time, there were probably also changes in the procedure regarding his grieving behavior (heaps of relogs and team changes, often several times during a round). Which I appreciate of course.
    Anyway, this led to him getting a 1-day ban at some point. Yesterday he got another (temporary) ban, which lasted 1 or 2 hours - from admin NeoPixel.

    I'm writing here because it has repeatedly gotten extremely out of hand today with his relogs and team changes. There were over 50 of them between 13:12 and 13:58 (see screenshots from the server logs). He basically spams it over a ~45min time span.

    I had called for an admin 3 times in the game, but no one came - of course I realize that admins can't be there 24 hours a day, so I'm writing this here now. The 1-day ban and the short ban yesterday have unfortunately not changed his behavior. He continues to do this - and to an enormous extent.
    Can you please do something about him?
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by PrEzZ; 01.10.2024 at 15:26. Reason: Formatting

  10. #10
    Erfahrener Benutzer benny0209's Avatar
    Join Date


    Quote Originally Posted by PrEzZ View Post
    Hello everyone.
    The topic of Starik has been going on for quite some time now. At the same time, there were probably also changes in the procedure regarding his grieving behavior (heaps of relogs and team changes, often several times during a round). Which I appreciate of course.
    Anyway, this led to him getting a 1-day ban at some point. Yesterday he got another (temporary) ban, which lasted 1 or 2 hours - from admin NeoPixel.

    I'm writing here because it has repeatedly gotten extremely out of hand today with his relogs and team changes. There were over 50 of them between 13:12 and 13:58 (see screenshots from the server logs). He basically spams it over a ~45min time span.

    I had called for an admin 3 times in the game, but no one came - of course I realize that admins can't be there 24 hours a day, so I'm writing this here now. The 1-day ban and the short ban yesterday have unfortunately not changed his behavior. He continues to do this - and to an enormous extent.
    Can you please do something about him?
    Hey PrEzZ

    As Fidget and Rattlesnake wrote above, this is not a violation as I simply gave him a break from the game. To clarify whether this is allowed, I spoke to my admin colleague and the operator of the server and found out that this is allowed.

    We have other servers where you can play for as long as you like.

    Have a nice day and good luck


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