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Thread: [merged] Thanks

  1. #1
    Neuer Benutzer
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    [merged] Thanks

    I can only thank you for not letting me play and allowing those who screw me every day, calling me a whore many days and many other things. If you are not going to let me play, I demand that the money I paid to renew my premium status be returned to me. Do you want those people to play? Very good, but you give me back what I paid and I'll leave, otherwise I will continue here without shutting up about the injustices that I am constantly receiving from unpresentable people who are kids who have nothing in life except to screw me.

  2. #2
    Erfahrener Benutzer Rattlesnake's Avatar
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    You're always accusing others of doing this or that but you've never brought any evidence here.The only thing we saw today is you acting childish.

    You didn't stop today after your deserved gag.you use names to continue flaming around and insulting other players just like you do here in the forum.

    Before you complain about others you should think about your own behavior

  3. #3
    Neuer Benutzer
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    The only thing I know is that not all people are treated equally and today I have proven it. Today I have seen how certain people have started bothering me long before I started bothering them and yet a gag has been played on me and they have continued the same without any punishment. Somehow I had to express myself since you silenced me. If someone you know was called a whore, it certainly wouldn't sit well with them, and yet the person continues to play there without any punishment. You are not being fair to me at all when I am the one who is receiving all the beating from several people against one. It's very easy to be a man when several people protect you behind you like they do with Jumper.

  4. #4
    Neuer Benutzer
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    This does not mean that my behavior is perfect, but it all comes from the fact that someone is screwing me every day here, do you understand me? I am not like that because I want to be and I do not say those things because I want to say them, there are many reasons and you have seen all of them today. That person and all of his "friends" go along with him when he is the biggest crybaby on the entire server. A few months ago he cried about the premiums and you know it, curiously now he doesn't cry about it because he is a "fucking premium" as he said a while ago

  5. #5
    Neuer Benutzer
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    I don't care, if I have to apologize nothing will happen to me because I'm not a bad person nor am I childish or anything because I'm probably older than many here but what I'm not going to consent to is someone coming to screw me ( sorry) and not letting me enjoy the game because I only come to play here and if you look at it one day I will never insult or bother unless someone does it to me first like they ALWAYS do. I don't have to lie because you don't win by lying, I just want to play calmly and I don't care if they tell me that I am a man like they tell me every day. That's not an insult either, being called a man, of course, or a transsexual.

  6. #6
    Erfahrener Benutzer Rattlesnake's Avatar
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    The only thing you've proven today is that you're acting like a little child. After reviewing today's chat log Jumper did not call you a whore. If you have proof that he did it today show it here. But you failed to provide evidence here in the past or the demo was suddenly overwritten.

    Your gag was justified and that's why you don't have to chat with your name even if you feel like you have to defend yourself. According to our server rules using your name to chat while gagged is prohibited. You have also been made aware of this.


    1.11 Nicknames
    Names that offend / attack players or a specific group of people are prohibited.
    The permanent changing of the nickname, be it to insult others or to use as a substitute for the chat, is prohibited.
    The use of the nicknames from the Saigns.de admins, even if the nicks are only similar, is forbidden.
    In addition, the nickname is to be chosen so that there's always a real nick visible and a adequate response to the persons is possible. An "empty" nick, only a point or similar are not allowed.
    Sanction: Kick, temporary or permanent ban

    You always had the opportunity to use the admin call or to report here in the forum as you have already done. You did not take advantage of this option.If there is evidence we can also take action.You're always the one who's whining and just needs attention.

    I'm fair to everyone and in your case I responded to an admin call that was 100% justified as you also admitted in the other thread.https://forums.saigns.de/showthread....layer-(Jumper)

    Next time just use the 2 options mentioned above and don't start to defend yourself by insulting others back or doing anything else.
    Last edited by Rattlesnake; 02.05.2024 at 23:52.

  7. #7
    Super-Moderator Fidget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saraa View Post
    The only thing I know is that not all people are treated equally and today I have proven it. Today I have seen how certain people have started bothering me long before I started bothering them and yet a gag has been played on me and they have continued the same without any punishment. Somehow I had to express myself since you silenced me. If someone you know was called a whore, it certainly wouldn't sit well with them, and yet the person continues to play there without any punishment. You are not being fair to me at all when I am the one who is receiving all the beating from several people against one. It's very easy to be a man when several people protect you behind you like they do with Jumper.
    Please provide the evidence that you have been in any way abused on the servers, the chat logs are located at - https://serverlog.saigns.de/

    In the mean time please understand that this is a long standing gaming community. Please refrain from broad claims and hyperbole and give clear and precise examples of how you have been abused or others have broken the server rules - https://forums.saigns.de/showthread....-Rules-Deu-Eng

    Please also be mindful of the forum rules - https://forums.saigns.de/showthread....-Rules-Deu-Eng
    It's not like real life, you get to respawn and try again!



  8. #8
    Erfahrener Benutzer Seth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saraa View Post
    I'm probably older than many here
    Dann verhalte dich doch bitte mal deinem Alter ensprechend. Ignorieren und melden lautet die Devise, nicht zurückflamen und andere mit deinem Nickname beleidigen nachdem du zurecht geknebelt wurdest.

  9. #9
    Neuer Benutzer
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    The only thing I know is that from now on he will be able to tell me whatever he wants like he does every day and I will not be able to defend myself because you have prevented me from doing so. I'm not saying that today he called me a whore but he has done it several times and that is much worse than anything I have called him. It is thought that because he insults me in German he does not understand it or be able to translate it. Whenever you want, you can see that I have never started any fight or insults against him without him provoking me first. They can check it out whenever they feel like it. Are you really telling me that you've never seen him with other nicknames? if he does it constantly. You see it one way and I see it another and we will never agree. I have already assumed that he can do whatever he wants, he will never be punished like I am and of course he will remain the same. I'll accept it and screw myself, it will be the best, I'll stop getting angry over a damn game.

  10. #10
    Erfahrener Benutzer Rattlesnake's Avatar
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    If you checked his Steam ID on our banlist you would see that he can't do whatever he wants here.

    you always blame other players but you haven't even provided any proof. why not? if he insulted you so many times why didn't you report him? where is the evidence on that?
    We have over 30 servers and we don't read chat histories all day long like you might think. The chat histories are only checked when a player has been reported.


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