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Thread: Admin rattlesnake
18.01.2025, 01:12 #1
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Admin rattlesnake
I dont know who runs this server but not a single admin wants to look at someone if you report them, demo or anything else is not valid, rattlesnake that has really bad behaviour insulted me not even wants to listen, guy who was for sure cheating still plays and then he just kicks, ban or gag, what kind of server is this, I see on forum people already complain on his actions, I first used ugly language toward someplayers but nothing mayor and got kicked fair, but later what he did wasnt, so I write guy how he could shoot me trough smoke like that and we were typing and then rattlesnake gags me, awful, then I responded on forum and he just dissapeard and was very rude, is this something that server that follow rules allowes
18.01.2025, 01:48 #2
I've reviewed the chat logs and I must say, a kick was very lenient given the insults that you were giving out in the server chat. Just because you used another language (Croatian) does not mean that it cannot be interpreted.
References to their female relatives and what you suggest be sexually done to those ladies is highly offensive and completely unacceptable here.
Now it is understandable: the frustrations in playing this game, and the use of the smoke bug. But the owner has deemed that we do not act on the smoke bug. And neither should you in the way that you did, it is also against the server rules to make repeated cheat accusations.
Personally, I would have gagged you in the ban system for the highly offensive words prior to your kick by admin Rattlesnake. You also have two previous gags for insulting/flaming here. In this instance I am leaving that action against you as it is. But if there were to be any further instance of this, you can fully expect to lose the privilege of using the game chat for a period of time. I also see that you have a similar history that was sanctioned in another gaming community.
Let's just step back for a moment and consider your words here. This is a gaming community, everyone that plays here is part of that community. It is the most unpleasant part of the admin role here to have to deal with this kind of behavior. In this case, Rattlesnake has acted a lot more reasonably than you have.
All I am asking now is that you consider that, and act accordingly here.
side note: this is an international gaming community, international English is the most widely used language in game, and that is perfectly acceptable here.Last edited by Fidget; 18.01.2025 at 01:51.
It's not like real life, you get to respawn and try again!
18.01.2025, 02:15 #3
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now I see how much pointless your review is, you defend him again, he was rude bottom line, guy was not only using smoke cheat, but also two headshots CLEAN headshots trough the door, I wanted to say that I couldnt, and second I was writting in my own language and explan this "References to their female relatives and what you suggest be sexually done to those ladies is highly offensive and completely unacceptable here." When I said anything about that? send me logs anything you made this up, which girl or girls I insulted? never typed anything like that, I was typing with guy from my country you cant translate that and its not Croatian, never sexually insulted like that anybody, that I would do something sexually to their female relatives HAHA where did you pull that from? just send me all my money back and we are even I wont ever log here and I will never connect here, So I got kicked and that was fair, after that I didnt type to that guy anything he was provoking me, and then when I said that shot was bullsh*t we stared typing and I got gagged, after 1 minute t headshots trough door with awp, first one was Impossible, after that I went to spec and typed to rattlesnake, now you defend him i dont care, I hope you will one day woke up and grow up, its never admins fault its always players even tho they are ignored, I played for 15 years you are still young, I had server on my own, so dont patronize me, completly ignored his first respond but thats what you do here, fine as I said if you want to ban me forever, my money back all of it and thanks I guess
18.01.2025, 02:28 #4
Well, your response is not what I had hoped for, it is neither reasonable nor rational. And it was certainly not as measured as Rattlesnake's action was.
The chat logs record your every word -
I am defending this great gaming community.
You are now gagged on server and the forum for 1 month.Last edited by Fidget; 18.01.2025 at 02:31.
It's not like real life, you get to respawn and try again!
18.01.2025, 12:19 #5
the one who couldn't behave on the server yesterday is you colt.All the conversations can be read in the serverlog and I asked you and intence to stop the arguments and didn't stop there and measures were taken against both players
Insulting other players here in a different language in the hope that they don't understand is just plain bad.
You act like you're completely innocent here but you're not. The other entries in our bansystem also show that you are insulting other players here.You always do the same thing. Always insult people in Croatian and say it's your own language. Sorry but that's ridiculous...
You said in the chat that you were paying, that's true. You pay for the premium features provided to you but that doesn't mean you're allowed to insult the players here. PREMIUM PLAYERS HAVE NO SPECIAL RIGHTS HERE AND WILL NOT BE GIVEN PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT
Last but not least, I would like to say that your behavior here on the forum reflects what you do on the server.Your disrespectful behavior towards my admin colleague is not ok. You should think about your behavior.